The worship service is a main gathering place for everyone to be together and corporately worship God. Singing as a congregation is very important to us along with our small but enthusiastic choir and vocal ensemble. Our service is a mix of old and new music, contemporary and traditional stylings using texts with Biblical depth. While our services are planned and the music is generally well-rehearsed, we are still a small church where at times something spontaneous happens. We are constantly looking for ways to involve more people in our services through music, reading Scripture, prayer, drama, and visual art. We pray together and seek to know God more fully through the reading and preaching of the Word. Our priority is to follow the instruction in Colossians 3:16-17 which tells us to “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatsoever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
Choir is a ministry group directed by Dr. Lori Danielson that meets on Sundays from 1:15 - 2:30 p.m. With members of all ages, choir is a fun and inspiring way to participate in the holiday programs and selected weekly services.
Reading scripture for weekly services is a vital way to participate in worship. If you were ever looking for a way to participate there are always reading and drama parts available for people of all ages to be a part of the weekly and holiday worship programs.
If you are interested in any of the Worship Ministry activities let Dr. Danielson know of your interest and at what level you would like to participate. She is always happy to see new faces enthusiastic to participate.
Ensemble is a vocalist group chosen by Dr. Lori Danielson to worship with special music for weekly services and holiday programs. This is a dedicated group who aspire to inspire others to do their very best while bringing Glory to God in all they do.
Prayer Breakfast is a ministry for the fellowship of believers of all ages, while serving others. Prayer Breakfast is held the first Saturday of every month at 7:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. The men prepare breakfast and then have a time of Bible study. We truly believe that iron sharpens iron. We would love for you to visit our ministry and see what it is all about.
Women's Bible Study is every Monday evening at 6:00p.m. We would love it if you would study with us. Coffee is available during this study and the study is also available through live Zoom meetings. For more information or to join us for a study come to the church on Monday evenings, send an email on the Contact page or call us. We look forward to meeting you and studying deeper into God's Word together.
Wednesday evening is a chance for a group of adults to come together and join in prayer with one another for our church family starting at 6:00 p.m. this is followed by a Bible Study led by Pastor Dan on the Missionary Journeys of Paul. Couples are welcome to come together as this is open to all adults.
Our community service ministry is an inspiring group to be a part of. Although geared toward our youth, all ages are welcome to participate. This is the age when you start setting yourself up for a lifetime of choices. Join in fellowship with people who have a burning desire help out our immediate and extended church family. Times and service vary greatly. If you are interested in this ministry please see J.D. Bishop to get the details on up coming and on going service needs.
Rockhounds is our children's ministry for grades K-6th. All are welcome to join in! We have a ton of fun stuff going on here. We get to learn about the life of Jesus and the Bible while often digging into some games and arts and crafts. Rockhounds meets on Sunday from 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
Come and hang out at Youth Group! Youth Group is for teens from 7th grade to 19 years old. We have a lot of cool stuff going on like Youth Nights filled with movies, games and much, much more! Not only do we have a fantastic time but we also tackle serious issues going on with our youth today.